A Narrative History of Artificial Intelligence


Outline of the Contents

Chapter 1 The Dawn and Footprints of the Pioneers

  When Digital Computers were born, there was also AI
  JONIAC at the Institute for Advanced Study
  Von Neumann kept interested in brain computers
  History of The Pioneers Footsteps of Marvin Minsky, John McCarthy, Herbert Simon
  Neural Network Research during the 1940s and the 1960s
  Natural Language Understanding not yet merged

Chapter 2 Field Formation of AI and IT

  Spiral Steps of IT and AI, Related Disciplines
  Dealing with Meaning and the Digital Representation of Knowledge
  Nils Nilsson: Transition from Artificial Intelligence to Computer Science
  Establishing the Problem-Solving domain
  Question-Answering, Natural Language Input, then Language Model
  Emerging Basic Concepts along with the expansion of applications

Chapter 3 The Lisp World and Common Lisp: 1960s to 1990s

  Establishment of Symbol Processing-type AI and the Role of Lisp
  Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  The 1980s, when many issues surrounding Lisp appear all at once
  ANSI X3J13 Common Lisp Committee Launch and Goal of CLtL1 Revision
  ANSI standardization and CLtL2 Publication

Chapter 4 Struggles for the Next Step during the 80s and 90s

  The Age of Decentralization
  Cases with Elemental Technology Development
  Industry Expectations for AI technology and the Lisp role as the platform
  AI 3rd edition in 1992, No Japanese version published
  AI's Winter and DARPA's Support

Chapter 5 Deep Neural Networks

  Multilayer Neural Networks starting with Neocognitron
  The 1989 DARPA Neural Networks report and a fresh start from there
  Neural Net Applications in the 1980s as described in the DARPA report
  Elemental Techniques in Convolutional Neural Networks
  Progress in CNN implementation technology
  Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and LSTM, into a new era
  The Challenge of Explainable AI

Chapter 6 Growth and Branching of Natural Language Processing

  Do Machines Understand Sentences?
  Use of Natural Language Processing in Industrial Systems
  Conversation in Virtual Space
  Word Embedding and related technical aids for NLP

Chapter 7 Taking on New Challenges

  "Enabled" and More Challenging Issues
  Strategy Selection and Expert Systems in the business domain
  Issues as Social Infrastructure
  Board Games again
  Large-scale Language Models and the emergence of generative AI in 2022
  Diffusion and Integration of AI technology

Lastly: Computer is just born, it is not matured yet

As of November 12, 2024