Masayuki Ida
Started his career in Software Science field in Science and Engineering School, and got his PhD im March 1981. Then in Information Systems and in AI and Lisp field in parallel, after that, he became Professor in business school for E-Commerce, Digital transformation, and Applied AI. Kept Massachusetts Institute of Technology AI Lab relation for over 20 years. Taught graduate school courses for his last 20 years on the following 5 area. 1)net-business action-learning class for strategic arrangement of digital business, 2)presentation skills as applied AI, 3)Artificial Intelligence advanced class, 4)Global IT for global advancement of IT and its market, and 5)IT solution for digital transformation.
During his 50 years, Taught for wide subjects such as MIS, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Global IT systems, E-commerce systems design and operations, International Businesses, Business negotiation, Programming Principles, IT solutions, and their project works. He has long time experiences on arranging active learning.
Served public/governmental works/committees, as well as executive corporate management, consultancy, and incubation/entrepreneurship, for worldwide cases during over 40 years.
略歴 青山学院大学大学院国際マネジメント研究科教授を2020年3月に定年退職。青山学院大学名誉教授。 青山学院大学大学院理工学研究科経営工学専攻博士課程修了、工学博士。同理工学部、国際政治経済学部を経て大学院研究科所属。 学校法人青山学院副院長・理事、非営利組織理事長、委員会委員長、企業実務・起業支援等を経験。 80年代より企業情報システムの研究と並行して人工知能分野のCommon Lisp言語仕様開発・制定、オブジェクト指向機能設計に従事し、 1993年、2002年、2012年にMIT人工知能研究所Visiting Scientist。ハノイ工科大学、ホーチミン工科大学等の工学部、経営学部および大学院 での正規科目集中講義等、 海外出講および講演経験。研究科(ビジネススクール)にてデジタルビジネスインフラ、Eコマース関連分野を専門とし、 ITマネジメント、グローバルIT、AAL IBP、プレゼンテーションスキル、上級OIS・特論(人工知能)を担当
STUDY and RESEARCH Appointments
Aoyama Gakuin University Tokyo, Japan
[Apr.1974– Mar.1981] Student, Master of Engineering and Ph.D ,
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering.
Earned his Ph.D in March 1981
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston, MA
[Apr.1993 – Mar. 1994] Visiting Scientist, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
[Mar.2002– Aug.2002] Visiting Scientist, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
[Jun.2012 – Aug.2012] Guest Researcher, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
University of Houston Houston, TX
[Aug.1996– Sep.1996] Guest Lecturer and Advisor, Center for High Performance Computing
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Tsukuba, Japan
[July 1998– Mar.1999] Center of Excellence Visiting Scientist, Dept. Information Architecture
Center for Internationalization of Computer and Communications Tokyo, Japan
[Dec.2003– Mar.2010] Visiting Senior Scientist, International Information Technology Laboratory
Aoyama Gakuin University Tokyo, Japan
[Apr.1981 – Mar.1988] School of Science and Engineering
Research Associate, Assistant Professor, and then Associate Professor
[Apr.1988 – Mar.1995] Associate Professor, Information Science Research Center
Project leader for three campus network and unified login system connecting to WIDE
[Apr.1995 – Mar.2001] School of International Politics, Economics and Business
Associate Professor, then Professor
[Apr.2001 – Mar.2020]Professor, Graduate School of International Management
[Apr.2020 - present] Professor Emeritus
Aoyama Gakuin Educational Foundation
[May 2010 –Dec.2011] Vice Chancellor (July 2010 – June 2011) and Trustee (May 2010 – Dec.2011)
Hanoi University of Science and Technology Hanoi, Vietnam
[2016, 2018, 2019, and May 2022 ] Visiting Professor for intensive classes
VNU Ho Chi Minh, University of Science Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
[Jan.2013 – Jan.2017 (occasional)] Guest Lecturer for intensive classes
Yamanashi Eiwa Gakuin Yamanashi, Japan
[Apr.2020 - March 2022] Trustee
Sano Nihon-university Gakuen Tochigi, Japan
[Apr.2022 - present] Senior Advisor for the president
VNU Ho Chi Minh, University of Technology Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
[Sept.2024 - Nov.2024] Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
RECENT ACADEMIC WORKS for the last five years
- Published "Python Colab NLP" (Kindai Kagaku sha) in 2021 in Japanese
- Lecturer for MIS intensive course, undergraduate HUST, two regular classes, total 40 100minutes units, in May 2022, Hanoi
- Published "Applied AI" (Kindai Kagaku sha) in 2022 in Japanese
- Served as seminar lecturer (invited) for Summer School on Data Science (VIASM, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Studies in Mathematics, and VNU HCMCUS), August 2023
- Published “A Narrative History of Artificial Intelligence” (Springer Nature) in 2024 in English
- Served as adjunct professor at VNU HCMUT CSE for Graduate School and Undergraduate for two week intensive regular classes
Governmental Public Organizations
[1987 - 1996] X3J13 Standardization Committee for Common Lisp, for ANSI the United States of America
Principal member, Public Review Group Chair (1992-1994)
[1986 - 1992] Chair, Common Lisp Committee, Japan Electronic Industry Development Association (JEIDA)
[1991,1992, 1995] JICA short term experts
Singapore AI Center (1991 and 1992 each for two weeks)
Argentine Information Technology Education Center (1995 for two weeks)
[2003 - 2005] Review Board member, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
[2003 - 2011] Chair, Asia Open Source Software Roundtable, CICC
[Apr.2004 - Jun.2004] Principal member, IT International Policy Discussion Table Cabinet Office of Japan
[Aug.2004,Aug.2005, Feb.2006] Principal lecturer, OSS leadership training, and
[Apr.2012 and Dec.2016] Guest Advisor
The above two for the Dept. of High Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam
[Mar.2012] Guest Advisor, iGreen Data Center/IT Park, Vietnam National University HCMC, Vietnam
International Private Organizations
[2005 - 2011] International Association of Methodist related Schools, Colleges and Universities (IAMSCU)
Vice President (Feb.2009-Feb.2011)
[1988 - 1997] Free Software Foundation, USA
[May 2002 - May 2003] Free Software Initiative of Japan, Founding President
Fortran77 compiler for NEC Mainframe as the project leader Apr.1979 – Sep.1980
Several commercial basic software developments
Embedded systems programming, Banking system programming, Lisp language system
Experimental Software Systems for his Research Outputs
Other Organizational Works
Running User Groups as voluntary executive such as Symbolics, Sun Microsystems
Incubation Supports for the startups
Committee works on alliance organizations for Private Educational Institutions in Japan
Japan Universities Association for Computer Education,
Japan Society for Promotion of Science,
Japan University Accreditation Association
SKILLS and EXPERTISE on Educational works
Teaching Technologies
Assembly language based Device Control, Fortan, Cobol, Java, CLOS object system,
TCP/IP network, Lisp, Artificial Intelligence
Teaching Business Digitalization, and Supporting Startup Processees
e-Commerce strategy, e-Commerce infrastructure, Web strategy, IT management, Global IT,
Presentation Skills, Cognitive Science, Computer Communication, International Business,
Business Planning, MIS, IoT, AI basics, AI Applications
Doctoral thesis supervised
Graduated three doctor course students in Business Administration
Intensive education in Foreign Countries
Vietnam, Cambodia, Argentine, Brazil, Ecuador
The list for Papers, Books, Conference papers, and others suppressed. Available upon request.